First up, I've cranked out a couple new Warhammer 40,000 Space Marines. One is a Pre-Heresy version of the Dark Angel:

That one's pretty, but the better one is Captain Titus from last year's video game Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine by THQ

While I've been working on those, my friend Matt has taken the lead on this year's Halloween project:

I'm not entirely sure how many of us there will be, but if you see a gaggle of Ghostbusters in downtown Petaluma on Halloween, it's us:

In other news, I received a particularly interesting shipment on Friday. This is the first of three skids containing my shiny new 3D printer:

The other two packages were much bigger:

This is the printer I won in the "Make it Real" Challenge on back in June. I have named it "Jarvis." You can see some of the specs here:
Any suggestions as to what I should have him make?
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