A while back I wrote a post detailing the construction of a handful of Death Watch helmets from the Clone Wars animated series. You can read it here:
Part1: the Death Watch Helmets
Part 2: the Night Owl Helmets
While the helmets might look kinda cool just sitting on a shelf somewhere, they're a far cry from being a complete costume. So it was time to make some armor.
Here's a blurry pic of one of the finished suits:
For more photos and details about how the armor plates were made, read on...
A while back I picked up a few kits from Skygunbro's Custom Creature Shop. Here's what they looked like when they showed up:
I've already explained how I converted one of them into a "realistic" movie-style version of Captain Rex's helmet from the Clone Wars animated series. You can read about that little project here: LINK
Since I was on a roll with Star Wars stuff and I needed something frivolous to distract me from my actual paid projects with fast-approaching deadlines, I went ahead and converted the next one into a Phase II ARC (Advanced Recon Commando) Trooper helmet.
Here's the finished result:

For step-by-step description of the conversion process, and a lot more photos, read on...
A couple of weekends ago I had the privilege of putting together an exhibit at the Bay Area Maker Faire. This was my fifth consecutive appearance at the Faire. If you were there, you more than likely will have seen my booth:
But you might not recognize it in the above photo. That's because most of the time it looked more like this;
If you'd like to see more of the preparations and logistics that went into getting everything to the show, read on...
Sometimes I just need a quick and simple project.
Most of the things I make are at least a bit complex and take weeks worth of work in order to see any progress at all. So in the middle of one (or five) of those, it's nice to take a few minutes here and there to do something that shows quick results.
With that in mind, a while back I got a few helmet kits from Skygunbro's Custom Creature Shop. Here's what they looked like when they showed up:
While I've already got a few of the old Master Replicas lifesize clonetrooper helmets, I've always thought it'd be cool if they'd made more variants. One that I really liked the look of was Sideshow Toys' live-action style Captain Rex from the Clone Wars. But nobody really makes a good-looking version.
So after sitting them on my bench for a while (to distract me from real work) I'd modified one of those raw cast helmets to look like so:

For a detailed description of the modification process, and a boatload of additional pictures, read on...
It's been a while since I've had substantial time available for bloggage. For that, I apologize.
That said, I'm going to be doing a lot of writing in the coming months and I've decided to use the blog as a tool to help me shake out the cobwebs and overcome writer's block. So you can expect all sorts of articles in the coming weeks and months and I flesh out a few things and catch up on a variety of little things I've written over the past few seasons.
I just finished unpacking from my fifth consecutive appearance at the Bay Area Maker Faire. I pulled out all of the boxes and set up quite a display of finished works:
So I need to go over the story of the mad rush involved in getting all of that stuff spruced up, packed, loaded, transported, installed, and hauled home after the fact. It was a good time.
Going back a bit further, my crew and I went to Star Wars Celebration Anaheim last month, so in addition to writing about that experience, I've got to go over the details involved in making our platoon of Mandalorian costumes:
There's also the Shae Vizla costume I made in cooperation with DW Design Studios for the Lady Shawnon:
There was also a handful of Sith Acolyte outfits I made to accessorize her. Here's one:
Going back even further, I've still got to finish up a couple of articles about the building of my Mark III Ironman suit:
It's been finished for well over a year now, but I never finished writing up the steps involved in the paintjob as well as wiring up the lights.
On that subject, I've got a couple of other variants of the helmet that I need to write about:
Hopefully I'm over my Ironman helmet building phase at this point.
There's a few other projects I'll be writing about as well, but these are the first that come to mind.
I should point out that these are all hobby projects. My professional projects are even cooler, but it'll take a bit longer to write about them while I await permission to release images.
So in other words, stand by for more. It's coming...