First up, here I am dressed as Leonard Church at the ATM:

Here's me and a couple of the guys posing with some girl who's boyfriend wanted to photograph with us:

Then there's this high school girl posing with me:

Here's Sarge before he put his gloves on:

And Doc all geared up before we pulled his undersuit back up into place under his chestplate:

And finally, here's another embarrassing pic from the build process:

I've been scouting around for appropriate locations for a decent quality photoshoot. Stay tuned...
Shawn, you should do the photo shoot out at the Marin Headlands where the army cement dugouts are. It would look so cool. Now you just need a decent day of sunshine.
ReplyDeleteDo you do this for pay? if so how much and how would one go about this?
ReplyDeleteI do not. This was a hobby project that I took on a while back and only just finished this year.
ReplyDeleteIf I was to somehow get money (ROBBING A BANK), how much would a full set of armor from you cost?
ReplyDeletewith all the sizing and fixins...