First off, in preparation for Star Wars Celebration: Anaheim, I've been making some progress on a set of Sith Acolyte armor from Star Wars: the Old Republic. Here's a snapshot of the chest prototype:

And I've been helping my friend Matt put together Death Watch armor from the Clone Wars animated series. Here's the mold for the collar, chest, and abdomen armor:

Then there's yet another helmet mold:

I've finally gotten around to making a new Bolt Pistol for another one of my Space Marine builds:

Speaking of 40K stuff, I've pulled out the old prototype for my Space Marines and started modding it into the beginnings of a suit of Grey Knight armor:

Speaking of huge stuff, there's still 2nd ED:

Why? Because I never make just one of anything.
And since I've already detailed the building of ED-209 (click here to read all of that) I suppose the next thing I'll have to do is write up the building of a much smaller robot:

So there's no shortage of interesting things going on in the shop. Stay tuned for more details as things get wrapped up.