As I mentioned, it's super-secret. Hence the pixelating.
Anyhow, after the dust had settled, it was time to clean up the workshop:

It was a daunting task, but it worked out okay in the end:

As often happens over the course of such cleanings, I managed to find all sorts of cool stuff I'd almost forgotten about. So I managed to snap a few pics of this month's UnFinished Objects.
First off, there was the prototype flametrooper helmet replica I'm making based on the upcoming Episode 7 of Star Wars. I molded it:

Then I cast and painted a copy. Here's the Lady Shawnon trying it on:

It looks good, but then again she makes anything look good:

On the subject of prototypes, I've also been tinkering with a Judge Dredd (2012) helmet:

There's a lot of helmets kicking around the shop. Here's the "mostly clone trooper" shelf:

There's a War Machine helmet there. Clearly it's an escapee from the "mostly Marvel helmets" shelf:

There's also a few things I've finally gotten off of the back burner now that I've got a minute. These are projects that will be used to illustrate a how-to book I'm writing. Such as this helmet:

I'm also going to be disassembling this heater in order to build a compact vacforming machine:

There's a whole host of other things tucked away in the various corners as usual. Each more fascinating than the last.
Stay tuned. I'll get to them sooner or later...