While I'd really like to put together some of the Adepta Sororitas outfits, it'll be a while before I've got the time and resources to do it right. In the meantime I've decided that I should make a female Commissar to keep the Guardsmen in line.
Here's the finished costume:

For details on how it was made, read on...
There were a few key parts that went into this build. Here's a few links so you can read about them:
The Breastplate
The Pasma Pistol
The Chainsword is just a resized version built the same way I built them for my Space Marines. You can read about that build HERE.
For the overcoat, I enlisted the help of a seamstress friend of mine who modified a somewhat militaristic coat pattern into something a bit more Warhammer. Here's an early progress shot:

Some time later I ended up trying it on with all of the medals and whatnot:

Clearly it was not intended to fit me.
The medals were designed in Google Sketchup. Once I was happy with the general shapes, I handed them off to Jarvis (my Objet30 3D printer) for rapid prototyping. Here's the grown parts:

Jarvis is really good at making mechanical shapes, but when it comes to organic shapes, I still prefer sculpting them out by hand. So I added some small skulls in oil-based clay before boxing everything up for molding:

Once the mold had cured, I made copies in cold cast bronze, aluminum, and brass. Here's the bronze ones:

For the hat, I started with a Soviet surplus military combination cap kinda like this one. I removed the device above the brim and made a pair of wings out of layered styrene and added a resin cast skull:

The intent was for this one to share the same design elements as the one on the breastplate:

The last thing I did was carve out a quick pair of vacforming bucks and pull a pair of epaulets. After a quick paintjob and the addition of some resin cast skulls and gold fringe, they started to really look the part:

With everything assembled, I got a hold of my model friend Mallory and invited her to try on the whole thing for a few photos:

Despite the fact that she's usually a pretty smiley girl, she managed to pull off a suitably unfriendly expression throughout the shoot:

One we'd established the right level of mean, we went ahead and staged a few battlefield court martials:

And a good time was had by all:

Of course, the pics were even more fun with a bit of tweaking:

More madness to come. Stay tuned...
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ReplyDeleteHope to see the sororita one