I try to make sure my blog articles have a complete payoff that includes a finished thing at the end of the write-up. I'd hate to have someone sift through 3,000 words of me rambling about how I'm building a thing only to get to the end and not get to see the finished product. I hate posting articles that end on cliffhangers like, "will the paint dry properly? Stay tuned" or, "did the mold rubber leak all over the floor? Tune in next time." only to forget about it while I get distracted with the next project.
So as usual, I'm nearing the end of a handful of projects all at once and it's that time again where I feel ashamed for not keeping up with my bloggage. Since I don't have a shiny new finished thing to show off, and have to resort to another show and tell featuring a scattered collection of just some of the UnFinished Objects flying around the workshop. I assure you there will be more details about each of these sooner than later.
For now, here's what's keeping me from actually writing about what I'm doing in the shop:

I've also picked up a small collection of appropriately coarse-looking fabric which I've custom dyed to my liking:

Somewhere in the shop is a cardboard box with assorted whatnot such as a few more leather bits, dyed cotton work gloves, most of a gaffi stick, and leather bandolier pouches. Now all I need is a few more leather bits, a couple pairs of donor boots, and a solid day to focus on finishing the build. Two if I want to make the rifle they carry.

That's the first complete set of castings for Paz Vizla's heavy blaster as seen in the Mandalorian Chapter 3: The Sin. I'm planning on making a few copies of this thing for friends, but the main body mold is a big, heavy bastard that I haven't felt like rolling around by hand. The solution? I've added wheels to the mold:

Now casting these monsters will be a breeze.
So the other day I decided this project has finally collected enough dust to be properly seasoned. So I pulled it down and put in a few more minutes sanding and filling the surface. Yay me:

Since I'm excited about it again and I've lost a few of the pieces I'd already made, it was time to print new and improved copies of the minigun and the mount parts:

I'm hesitant to guess how soon I'll be able to make these last few molds for fear of jinxing the whole thing.

Usually these would be the kinds of things that would get put into a box and forgotten relatively quickly, but for some reason this little hobby project has some staying power. At this point, I've purchased the signature duster to go with it, sourced all of the ammo belts, pouches, and canteen, and even finished the chest armor:

Now I just need to finish the big rifle to carry around and the tank pack that fits onto the back of the coat and it'll be a done thing.

The helmet suffered a catastrophic fall a few years back (you can see it hanging in the background of the photo below) and I decided I'd rather make a whole new one rather than repairing and repainting the old one. Since I had to dust off the molds for another build, I went ahead and started pulling the parts to make the rest of this guy's armor:

I also have vacforming bucks to make his signature weapon, the brute shot, and the custom shouldre bits. In the course of digging out all of these old molds though, I found that there were a few that had deteriorated past the point of usefulness. Chief among them was the lower leg armor. So I stole one of the lower legs from an older suit and made a new mold. Here's Rachel showing the early stages of tuning up the old shin for the new mold:

Here's the current state of the skull:

Originally I printed it a shade too small, so I'm 3/4 of the way to making a new, bigger, better version.
I've got a cup full of teeth somewhere too. This is the way of things for me.
So be sure to stay tuned for the any minute now when I actually have a finished thing to share...