I replied that I could, but I'd need a lot more information. How large is large? Where is it going outdoors? What kind of budget do I have to work with? That sort of thing.
We ended up having a brief phone conversation before I was introduced to Joel Jones of Basal Ganglia Studios, who presented me with this concept sketch:

That's a Photoshopped image of an historical building downtown next to an electrical power substation. Basal Ganglia had been funded to add a sculptural installation to the side of the building. My role: fabricate a giant rendition of a household electrical outlet with a cord plugged into it and leading into the ground.
No problem.
I had a few other projects in my queue ahead of this one, but once I'd started, it took a few weeks, a whole lot of fiberglass, and a few hundred pounds of steel to end up with this:

For more details and photos of how it was made, read on...