So far I've made quite a few Warhammer 40K costumes. The Space Marines were pretty big and the Imperial Guard were more comfortable, but none of them have been especially sexy. I've been overwhelmed by the urge to remedy that lately.
While I'd really like to put together some of the Adepta Sororitas outfits, it'll be a while before I've got the time and resources to do it right. In the meantime I've decided that I should make a female Commissar to keep the Guardsmen in line.
Here's the finished costume:
For details on how it was made, read on...
I have a tremendous amount of inertia. Once the ED-209 project was finished and the Maker Faire was over, it took me quite a while to grind to a halt and get some proper rest. When I did manage to finally slow down, it took me just as long to finally rally some motivation and sally forth.
Yesterday found me back in the workshop for my first typical 12-hour day since the Maker Faire. Much of it was spent reorganizing the workshop, shifting back into Combat Garden Gnome production mode, and taking stock of my various projects. There was no shortage of stuff that had been relegated to the backburner over the past couple or three months and I'm glad to finally get the chance to dust off a few old projects, get the ball rolling on a couple of new projects, and generally get back to my own amped-up version of scattered tinkering.
So once again there's a lot of irons in the fire. Here's just a few of the UnFinished Objects that were spotted in the shop lately...
First off, another Ironman helmet variant. I've been making a few different helmets and trading other makers for variants that I don't already have. Since I haven't found anyone else making castings of the Mk39 "Gemini" variant, I had to go ahead and make my own. Here you can see it in my standard lightish red prototype color:
It will be molded and cast in four separate pieces. The main dome is ready for rubber. The two eye pieces will be ready to mold soon after. The "backdoor" insert still needs a bit more fine tuning:
Still, I should have a wearable casting of this helmet within a week.
Since I can't get enough HALO to keep me satisfied, I'm still making slow progress on my M729 Squad Automatic Weapon from HALO 4:
I'd say the main body is about 90% done. I'm just focusing on all of the small details that are going to drive me insane by the time it's all said and done:
While I was going through the pile of stuff I wanted to work on, more stuff arrived. It included a box from DW Design Studios. The box was full of awesome:
In case you're not a huge geek, that's the chest piece for a clonetrooper. The box of awesome contained and entire suit of raw untrimmed parts to build myself a complete set of armor. Now I just have to make up my mind as to whether I want to do a plain white Episode II clonetrooper, or one of the countless color variants that show up in Episode III. Decisions...
Since I've just finished my Commissar costume and a set of Space Wolf armor, you'd think that I'd've had my fill of Warhammer stuff for a while. You'd be wrong. Instead, I've just begun prototyping a new helmet:
This is a Grey Knight Terminator helmet. It looks a bit funny on my because I'm not eight feet tall (yet) I'm also not wearing the huge chest armor with the collar that will make this helmet look smaller.
There's a lot of tweaking yet to be done before this helmet is ready to mold, but I'm off to a good start.
So that's just a few of the things I've got going right now. Be sure to check back often for updates. Better yet, subscribe so you don't miss anything.