Pip-Boy 3000 from Fallout 3:

Printed out using the files in posted by "dragonator" on instructables.com. Get your own here: http://www.instructables.com/id/A-3D-printable-Pip-Boy-3000/
25-lb barbell plate:

I'll be doing a moldmaking demonstration as part of the Maker Camp on Google+ next month and decided this would be as good a project as any for molding. I'll also be making a variety of hammers.
The biggest thing that's eating up my time lately is the Ironman build:

It's going to be pretty damned cool when it's finished, but first I've got a lot of detail work to do:

Since I've been long overdue for the opportunity to call something finished, I dusted off a kit that I picked up from another maker a while back and put together a replica of the mask worn by Karl Ruprecht Kroenen, one of the key villains in the first Hellboy movie:

I'd call it done, but for some reason I suddenly want to make the whole costume instead.
I've also got one more very exciting project I'm working on, but I'm not allowed to show it off just yet:

Stay tuned...