That's "UFO" as in "UnFinished Objects." Here's what I've got going right now that isn't covered by some sort of non-disclosure agreement...
Almost three years elapsed between "I think I should make these" and having a bunch of Spartans from Red vs. Blue walking around in real life. Still, I keep feeling compelled to make upgrades to my Halo armor. The latest is a re-working of the helmet masters and a new and improved version of the visor:
Up until the end of the Recollection seasons of RvB, all but two of the characters wore the same style of helmet. I've already made the Mark 5 helmet that Caboose wears, so it's high time I started working on another one of the helmet designs from Halo 3:
That's the EVA helmet, as worn by Agent Maine (aka "the Meta") in the popular web series Red vs. Blue. As long as I'm building his helmet, I figured I should also get started on his signature weapon:
That's the tail end of the Brute Shot, one of the more malicious weapons available in Halo 3. The plan is to make vacforming bucks so I can make the whole thing hollow and lightweight. This'll be important when you consider the fact that the finished piece will be over five feet long.
On the subject of weapons, I'm also making great strides forward on my build of the STA-52 Light Assault Rifle used by the Helghast troops in the Killzone series:
Since I made the helmets for all four members of Delta Squad from Republic Commando, I figured I should also make them some body armor. Here's the forms in progress:
Here's the first pulls of the chest parts:
And here I am test-fitting them:

Finally, I'm back to making real progress on my 40K Space Marine project:
The MDF parts are the first forming bucks I'll be using to form the backpack. That and the thighs make the last major parts I need forms for. Then I can start building full suits and cranking out the little detail parts. Here's one of the four thigh forms in progress:

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