Sierra started the day by making progress on the left hand sculpt for the Grey Knight. While she was doing that, I worked on brushing up some silicone jacket molds:

They came out okay:

Tragedy struck when Roger the Housefly found himself mired in the still sticky silicone. Despite his valiant struggles, he lost his life that afternoon:

He was a fly, take him for all in all. I shall not look upon his like again.
Sierra had to run out in the middle of the day, so I also took off for a bit to make a supply run. I picked up paint, latex, silicone, casting resin, and all manner of other random bits and pieces.
It cost me three hours all told.
When I got back, my assistant Chuck and her sister Agatha were making slow progress on prepping the Mouser parts for paint. I neglected to snap any pics of that process.
For my part, I was completely consumed by installing all of the lettering on the right shoulder for the Grey Knight. The process started by laying out the painted, laser-cut styrene letters:

Removing them from their backing, I taped them in place and made sure I was happy with the layout:

Each one was then peeled off, bent to match the curve of the armor, then glued in place after scratching through the paint so the glue could adhere directly to the fiberglass underneath:

It was a bit tedious:

But the end result is pretty decent:

Somewhere along the way I managed to almost finish the paintjob for the little heraldry shield that will mount to the Grey Knight's left shoulder:

The left hand sculpt still needs a bit of work. Here it is next to the first cast of the right hand:

So progress continues. I'm starting to think that at least one of these projects might have to wait for later, but I'm still not sure.
For right now, I'm a bit tuckered and my hands ache. Treatment will consist of applying alcohol to the affected brain.
Stay tuned...
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