Here's a guy that makes me really glad I decided to finish school:
And one of my neighbors down at the marina:
Random shot of a man with a plan:
Here's a shot I took while filling my car at the gas station on Kastania Road on the way to the union hall:
Here's a picture of a cow resting comfortably, inches away from a tumbling death:
And another cow grazing on the edge:
Anyhow, here's a shot Ana took of me flying a kite that same day:
This photo was made possible by the fact that I know how to fly a kite. I have no photos of Ana flying a kite.*
I realize I've got a lot of blogging to catch up on. I intend to get it done, so stay tuned.
*The implication here is that Ana doesn't know how to fly a kite. That implication is not entirely fair. She does in fact know how to fly a kite. She also knows how to steer a kite. Furthermore, she knows how to steer a kite into a high-speed sharp right turn, crash catastrophically into a neighboring kite (severing the neighboring kite's strings in the process) and then dive a kite straight into the ground.
Wait we weren't supposed to be battling with our kites? Where did you learn to fly kites! Maybe your kitefu just sucks. ;)