Okay, that's not true. I'm sitting in Bagram Air Force Base waiting on a flight and trying to kill some time. I only get 30 minutes at a stretch on the computer, but I'm convinced that if I type fast enough I'll be able to make an entertaining entry.
First off, my last night at HQ ISAF was a pretty good time. I met up with the rest of the folks from the office for dinner as usual, but afterward we got coffee and cigars and sat out in the garden in front of the headquarters building telling stories and enjoying the rare clear night.
Then I had to go back to the office to take care of a few last-minute things:
While I was showing my appreciation for our civilian from the State Department, Greg Scruton was testing out his camouflage uniform:
The rest of the night was spent packing and checking, double checking, and triple checking to make sure I hadn't left anything behind.
At 0545 the next morning I hitched a ride with a convoy from Kabul to Bagram. Along the way I snapped a quick pic of what I hope will be the last I ever see of that place:
There's a few things I'll miss about being at ISAF HQ, but nothing so much as our allies with all their cute little hats:
With ISAF HQ behind me, all that's left for me to do in Afghanistan is wait around with everyone else:
More to come. Stay tuned.
hurry up and wait...ahh yes.