Step one: put on the lower half of everything so that the thigh straps go up over the shoulders:
Step two: put on the top half of the undersuit:
Step three: strap on the diaper, backplate, and abplate, making sure everything is lined up:
Step four: slip on the arm parts, gloves, and hood, then buckle the chest in place:
Step five: don helmet, grab a weapon, and look menacing:
Step six: pwnage test:
Now I've had a chance to test out the whole rig and I've got a lot of ideas for improvements. I also need to get to work on a blue suit.
First up: finding an easier way to go to the bathroom while in costume:
Stay tuned for pictures of my first evening out wearing this.
That is absolutely awesome.That is one bright idea.I'm fond of telling my wife,"the world is full of very fertile brains and imaginations." you sir are one of them.
ReplyDeleteeric lund