
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sniper Rifle Update: the Molds are Done!

As previously discussed in this post and this post, I started building the sniper rifle from HALO 3 a while ago.
Once I had the prototype ready, I sent it off to another maker who agreed to go through the very expensive and time-consuming moldmaking process in exchange for keeping a few of the castings out of the mold.  After a few bumps along the way, he's finally got the molds done for the main body and the barrel (I'm doing all of the little parts myself).

Here's the picture he posted of the first casting out of the mold:
First Sniper Cast right side

He mentioned that he had an issue with air bubbles in a few places.  The worst of them was at the buttstock on the left side as you can see here:
First Sniper Cast left side

The "little parts" include the bipod legs, magazine, lower handle, recoil suppressor, and scope assembly.  These were all basically just box molds.  Here's some of my molds and the first few castings:
Small bit casts

I really can't wait to get a hold of the molds and start putting together a finished copy of this beast.

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