
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June UFO Sightings in the Workshop

I've been doing what I can to catch up on writing about a lot of my recently finished projects lately and it occurred to me that I haven't mentioned anything at all about the current works in progress.  So here's a roundup of the UnFinished Objects lurking around the workshop.

The two biggest projects are things I'm not able to share just yet.  The one taking up the most room is this thing:

This is the largest single mold I've ever made and I'm really looking forward to pulling the first copy out of it so I can go back to having floor space in the workshop.  The whole project will have an unveiling early next month, so hopefully I'll be able to tell you all about it soon.

The second super secret project is smaller and much more interesting:

But since I can't show any of the details of either of those projects, allow me to show you some of my hobby tinkerings happening right alongside them.

First off there's this thing:
09 June Progress19

This is my take on the flametrooper from the upcoming Star Wars movie.  I've been tinkering with it on and off for a couple of weeks now.  Hopefully I'll be ready to mold it soon.

Looking at the reference images for the flametrooper helmet, it becomes pretty clear that the snowtroopers use the same base helmet with an additional cowl and faceplate added on.  So I'm also making this hat and mask combo for the cool kids to wear:
Snowtrooper Cowl in Primer

On the subject of distraction projects, I also decided to go ahead and have Lopez the Robot Whittler carve out a Judge Dredd helmet:
Because I need that.

On a completely unrelated note, the folks at 2K Games asked me to build a trophy for the Proving Grounds tournament currently in progress.  The trophy is completed, but I haven't had a chance to write about the build or take any finished photographs.  In any case, here's an "almost done" snapshot:
Completed Trophy Sans Lights

On the subject of nearly done, a while back I made four of these guys:
Sith Acolyte at Celebration Anaheim
While that one might look like it's done, I still have to go back and make some final adjustments to the hands and boots, build some elbow and shoulder armor, and tweak a few things here and there before I can call it done.

At the same time, I still have to finish the Darth Talon costume for the Lady Shawnon:
Smooth Sculpt Right Side
This was supposed to be done in time for Star Wars Celebration: Anaheim, but I ran into a moldmaking problem in the 11th hour and didn't have time to fix it for the convention.  Fortunately, the sculpt wasn't damaged, so eventually I'll get around to cleaning up the mold mess so I can pull a few rubber copies of the brain tails, strap them onto the Lady Shawnon, and paint her red from head to toe.  That'll be fun.

Somewhere on the backburner, there's the Sith Stalker costume:
helmet test fitting
I finished the helmet forever ago and I'm certain I'll get around to the rest of the outfit sooner or later.

Even further on the backburner is this beast:
Adding Ridges to Chest
This is my take on the Grey Knight Terminator armor from Warhammer 40K.  I figured since I've already made Space Marines, it only makes sense that I should make some even bigger, more cumbersome costumes as well.

So that's just a few of the UnFinished Objects spotted scattered around the workshop lately.  More updates to come.  Stay tuned...

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