
Monday, November 8, 2010

UPDATE: MARPAT Desert Camo HALO Helmet

In case anyone remembered my last post about this paintjob and was waiting for it, my sister has received her MkVI helmet intact.  Here she is trying it on:
Sheryl Test Fitting Her New Brain Bucket

She asked me, "Does this helmet make me look fat?"

Then she wandered down to the armory on base and borrowed a machine gun for some more pics:
MARPAT Digital Camo HALO Helmet

MARPAT Digital Camo HALO Helmet

The colors were not a bad match. More angles:
MARPAT Digital Camo HALO Helmet

 MARPAT Digital Camo HALO Helmet

On closer inspection, I should've added a lot more of the darker shades of tan.  Plus, with the different sheen of the plastic helmet against the fabric of her uniform, the helmet looks a bit too bright when photographed with a flash:
 MARPAT Digital Camo HALO Helmet

Still, I'm pretty damned proud of this one.

Stay tuned while I try to talk myself out of painting one in NAVPAT blue digital camo to match my Navy working uniform...


  1. Awesome :) Now get to work on the rest of the armor at sell it to the military :p Foam armor for all!

  2. Your sister is hot. Love me some Gunny :)

  3. I want one with SGT. insignia! how much?
