
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

June 2017 UFO Sightings in the Workshop

Well, the time has come once again when I can't help but be embarrassed by how little I've been posting in my blog.

While there's been a ton of progress on countless elements of numerous projects in the shop lately, I don't have a shiny, new, huge thing to brag about just yet.  So once again, I'm forced to share a stack of photos of UnFinished Objects currently in the works.  Enjoy.

First up, I've been making slow and steady progress on the E-22 Blaster Rifle wielded by the Shoretroopers on the planet Scarif in Rogue One:
Overall Progress

Just a bit more smoothing and this beauty will be ready to mold.  But even now it looks pretty nifty:
E22 Test Fit

While I'm having fun tinkering with that, there's still the much more massive T-60 power armor project from Fallout 4.  Here's most of the T-60 Parts piling up:
Full Set of Fiberglass Parts

At this point, all of the fiberglass work is done.  There's just the rubber parts left to prototype.  For now though, I'm concentrating on making a presentable copy of the helmet:
Just a few more greeblies and this sexy beast will be ready to paint.   #carvewrightcnc #T60 #fallout4

In addition to the power armor, I've gone a bit off the deep end of building Fallout props.  Whenever I've got down time on the 3D printers, I've been putting them to work on all sorts of little additions to go along with the big suit.  For example, here's the nearly finished AER7 Laser Rifle:
Fallout Laser Rifle Assembly in Primer

Somewhere in the room, I've also printed out the parts for the Fusion Core, Laser Pistol, 10mm Pistol, Plasma Pistol, and a whole host of other little things Fallout.

Since I need a change of focus, I've got my Carvewright CNC machines started on the parts for the next armor build.  Behold, the rough carved helmet of the Doomguy:
Doom Helmet Assembled with Seams Marked

Also, to thank the Lady Shawnon for putting up with all of my insanity projects, I figured I might as well get started making her very own Thor helmet:
Lady Thor Helmet Rough Left Side
This is just the first piece of the whole, sexy, shiny costume.

More to come as I make progress and find a few minutes here and there to actually write up each of these projects.

Stay tuned...


  1. Good going! Any chance of updating the post with standing pic of the power armor?

  2. hi there! big fan here. may i know where did you get the hoses for the power armor helmet and what are they called? thanks a bunch and more power.

    1. Those were surplus Soviet gas mask hoses that I picked up on Ebay.
