
Monday, July 23, 2012

Nice Bit of Feedback

Yesterday a long time friend and repeat Combat Garden Gnome customer posted this picture.  He purchased both of these gnomes in the same week and set them out in his yard two years ago:
Donny Johnson's Comparison Shot

So this is what one of my gnomes looks like after two years worth of New Mexico sun and snow* and whatnot.  I'm pretty damned proud of my paintjob.  

Combat Garden Gnomes: much more resilient than those other garden gnomes.

In other news, I've posted up another handful of Flamethrower Gnomes in my Etsy shop: if you've been waiting for one.

*yes, apparently it snows in New Mexico.



  1. Of course they're more resilient, they go through boot and all the advanced training to keep the other gnomes safe from the cat and ferret terrorists....

  2. And don't forget, they must ever be vigilant and be ready to face the mysterious ninja gnome when he makes his move

  3. What do you paint them with? Are they varnished?
