
Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Eve 2009

I spent New Year's Eve in the Seattle area this year. Some of Ana's oldest friends were hosting their annual New Year's Eve party and, seeing as we were around, we decided to attend.

The theme was "swank," and guests were encouraged to dress accordingly. Of course, there's nothing swanker than this jacket*:

Ana wore her Hepburn jacket and a nice silk dress:

It was a fun crowd and there was no shortage of adult beverages:

And we weren't the only people there dressed in the height of fashion:

A good time was had by all:

But especially by me:

It turned out to be a nice end to 2009.

Stay tuned for 2010...

*The jacket was custom-made by my tailor in Kabul, Afghanistan. I'd say it's one-of-a-kind, but it's not. There is another. To see the other one, CLICK HERE.

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