
Friday, January 30, 2009

Today I Reached the Halfway Point

Despite being halfway done with this whole endeavor, I honestly don't feel like I've accomplished anything. I also don't see that changing in the next half of this particular adventure. Today for example, my contribution to the war effort was checking my email. I did not receive any work-related messages that required my attention.

The only other thing that passes for news is word from home that my dog, Bain, had to go in for surgery to get some sort of mystery lump removed. Then he started gnawing at the staples holding the incision closed, so now he gets to wear a ridiculous T-shirt to cover the hole:

His new look is doing wonders for Kira's sense of superiority.

But at least it isn't bothering him:

1 comment:

  1. but I bet brian has seen a bit of action though cos he copped a packet
