
Monday, July 10, 2017

Thor, the Goddess of Thunder Part 1: Prototyping the Helmet

My shop robots had some free time lately, so I got them working on something new carved out of some leftover MDF I had sitting around: 
Lady Thor Helmet Parts Carving

After a couple of miscalculations, I finally assembled a helmet with a size that I like:
Lady Thor Helmet Parts assembled

Before the day was over, I soaked it with primer:
Lady Thor Helmet Primed

The next day I got started cleaning up some of the details:
Lady Thor Helmet Detail Cleanup

After a bit of bondo work, it was looking pretty good:
Lady Thor Dome Reshaping

If she be worthy...  #thor #cosplay #ladythor

Lady Thor Helmet Rough Left Side

Here's the wings after a bit more love with a file and some sanding blocks:
Lady Thor Helmet Wings Smoothing

So the new addition to my routing in the shop is to spend the last few minutes tinkering a bit with this helmet and then adding a coat of primer:
Lady Thor Helmet Filler Progress

Here's how it looked last night:
Lady Thor Helmet Dry Fitted

Which means it looked like this this morning:
Lady Thor Helmet Shiny

Lady Thor Helmet Left Side Shiny

Here's the inside face of the wings with the cutouts that register to the sides of the helmet:
Lady Thor Helmet Wings Gloss Coat

Once that dried, I sprayed the outside faces too:
Ear Wings
I'm not sure why, but this is the first time I've sprayed something with my standard high-gloss pink prototype paint and not had it instantly feel wrong*. Once the paint is dry, I'll flip the wings over and give the outside faces a nice, glossy coat of paint.  Then I'll be ready to start molding all three pieces and make them into something wearable.

Now I just need to resist the urge to dive in all the way on this project and make some shiny ARMORED BOOBS!

I'll probably fail though.  This outfit is pretty darned sexy:
Lady Thor Reference

Stay tuned...

*Historically, I use pink gloss paint for my prototypes for no reason other than to aggravate a certain subset of people.  In this case, those are probably the same people that will already be upset by the creation of a female Thor.  So that's an added bonus.


  1. I think you're gonna look great in that outfit!

  2. Oh my gosh! Are there any photos you took in this cosplay? I'd love to see them. I'm in the process of getting things together for a cosplay next year and I need all the help I could get.
