
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Graduation Ceremony for the Lady Shawnon

It's been a busy couple of months and I'm only just now getting a chance to catch up on bloggage.

The other day, the Lady Shawnon and I flew down to Florida to attend her graduation ceremony for the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine.  While she still has a couple more clinical rotations and a series of externships to get through, the ceremony still served to mark the end of this particular chapter in her academic life.  Not only that, but she looked amazing in her full doctoral academic regalia.  Here she is queuing up for the "hooding" portion of the ceremony:

Along with a bunch of her classmates:

Here she is getting her big, blue diploma folder:

After the ceremony, they also managed to get a great portrait:

I can't express how exceptionally proud I am of this woman.  It's been a tough three years and change, but she's pulled through it all with flying colors.

Now we just have to get her settled back in Northern California and start setting up the zoo.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Shawnon (Sorry, Dr. Shawnon now)!
    My wife just finished her doctorate this past month, so I know how long and hard this journey has been for both of you. It is an amazing life achievement, and she has every right to be as proud of herself as she can be. Fan-flipping-tastic!
