
Friday, August 14, 2009

My Series of Possible Demises

A few years ago I got bored. When this happens, I usually end up picking up a new hobby. At the time I was sitting aboard ship in some port in Japan and had an old photo editing program on my laptop and started goofing around.

Within a few minutes I'd invented a handful of creative ways for me to shuffle off my mortal coil. After that, I'd come up with one or two new ones every week or two. Sitting here late at night (which is actually early in the morning in this time zone) I've realized that I never got around to transferring any of these in from my old blog.

For those of you haven't seen them before, here are all of the possible demises that I've devised since that midsummer day in 2006:

While I was in Afghanistan, I decided not to do any more work on this series of pics for fear of having any of them become prophetic. Now that I'm back, I figure I'm not tempting fate if I post a new one:

I hope you've enjoyed seeing me die. Now leave a comment or the kitten gets it too.


  1. Is that a KITTEN in your hand in #25? That one bothered me the most.

  2. You'll note that it's the same kitten that's in the last picture. When the photo was actually taken, I think I was holding a piece of candy or some such thing.

  3. Thought the Pen and Sword fight was quite witty. Showing your true geek nature, but very funny.

  4. Showed these to my office coworkers and some of them were laughing so hard I was afraid I'd have to clean up the cubicle carpeting.

  5. Ronald Mcdaonald's girlfriend is HOT... in a creepy, clowny way.

  6. Thanks for the laughs. Geez, how did I get here?? Uh, googling for a picture of a humvee for a conops diagram, found your Afghanistan pics, saw my favorite blog posts, ... okay back to work now.

  7. Very funny! Glad you made it back to the home world and all fun geekdom. Your carbonite intructable is awesome.
